There are a few things to update you on as we approach the year end, and also I am pleased to include details of the All Aboard learn to Sail with Santa initiative to help raise funds for the Bristol Docks based charity.

Appeal for volunteers

We are planning to set up a couple of groups of people willing to potentially help out around the club from time to time. The group will help spread the load, with individuals ideally asisting if they are able after a call to action:

Club Grounds:

We are looking for people to volunteer to help tidy up the periphery of the club; nettles, brambles and some saplings. Ideally 1 morning/afternoon a month where tea, coffee and cake will be provided. If you interested please email Chris Meredith ( and ideally we will setup a Grounds WhatsApp group to coordinate actions.

Pontoons – care and repair:

The routine maintenance of our pontoons often falls to one or two members and when they are away there’s a risk of winter storm damage or summer grounding damage. We’d like to setup a small group of people who are willing to get involved, keep an eye on the pontoons, and help keep these expensive resources in good shape. Users of the south pontoon and walk ashore are especially sought to help out. Please email Chris Meredith if you are willing to help out occasionally and to join this elite group

Fire Risk

We are refreshing our fire policy and risk management. To support this we will be holding fire evacuation drills. The first one will be publicised and the time chosen will keep the impact on club operations to a minimum, the second may be rather more random!.

Please take the drills seriously and evacuate the building – we are doing this for your safety.

Use of car park in Laser slipway area – week commencing 18-Nov-24

A reminder that Bristol Water will be utilising an area of our car park this week to commence the build and launch of the Valise Bay wetland. The work should be completed by the weekend but as a result the laser slip will be out of action this Wednesday and Thursday

All Aboard Watersports ‘Learn to Sail with Santa Christmas Donation Special’

Would you, your friends, or the organisation you work with like to support a local charity to give a child the chance to sail or try watersports with All-Aboard Watersports in the iconic Bristol Harbour. AllAboard have launched a ‘Learn to sail with Santa’ appeal to help fund a child who would not normally have access to Watersports build resilience, learn new skills, support their learning and grow their confidence. At least 50% of AllAboard’s participants are those who identify as having a disability, long term health conditions, learning difficulties, social isolation or socio-economic disadvantage.

What your donation will fund –

£10,000 the cost of running our School Games project (an annual event for 120 SEND children to learn a range of Watersports)
£150 for a boat trip for a family from SW Childrens Hospice
£80 cost of a lifejacket suitable for wheelchair users
£15 the cost for a child to attend an after school sailing club

£5 the cost of a goodie bag

Sense have been bringing groups of children with complex disabilities to All Aboard Watersports for the last 3 summers. The sessions allow children with very complex needs the opportunity to try brand new activities that they never thought they would be able to do. The accessible boats and patient, knowledgeable staff provide a totally inclusive and safe environment and ensure that all of their needs are met.

Alice Turner, Active Lifestyles Lead (South West) Sense
To donate click on the QR code next to Santa or go to our donations link Sailing with Santa

To learn more about AllAboard, visit their website, or chat to any of their team including club member Simon Chapman.

Andy Jones