On behalf of the general committee I would like to wish everyone a happy new year, I hope you all had an enjoyable festive period and are looking forward to the year ahead. Let’s now get straight into the news and upcoming sailing details:

When is it too windy?

Members will recall that prior to Christmas much of the UK, including areas around Bristol, were subject to a RED weather alert being issued by the met office for the following Sunday. With very extreme winds forecast and travel considered dangerous we took the almost unprecedented decision that evening to cancel all sailing planned for the following day.

While that was a straightforward decision given the alert and extreme forecast, it has since prompted some debate about when a forecast wind could lead to sailing being cancelled in advance, and the circumstances in which duty teams can be stood down. ( Note: I should also add that the context of this is CLUB racing and sailing – open meeting events are separately considered by the race team responsible for running the event).

To help support duty teams we will be clarifying the guidance in our duty book but I summarise below the situation

  • Sailing will only be cancelled in advance of the day by the Commodore or the Vice Commodore, and the only such instance when this is likely is when a Red weather warning has been issued. In this case the OOD will be contacted by a committee member the evening before sailing and asked to stand down the duty team
  • Unless the above condition applies, duty teams should attend rostered duties at the club regardless of the forecast wind strength. Weather systems can move through more quickly/slower than anticipated and so, even in instances of very strong wind forecasts, actual winds on the day may differ significantly
  • If winds on arrival at the club exceed the limits detailed in the duties book, OODs should consult with any flag officers or other committee members that may be present at the club, the race officer and the wider duty team – there is normally a good breadth of experience on hand to help in the assessment if you are unsure. As a result of the assessment, the OOD should determine if it is necessary to suspend sailing for a period.
  • In this circumstance duty teams, including the race team, should remain on site and keep the club open so that members may use the facilities and buy food from the galley, importantly supporting our caterers Ben and Antonia who will have prepared food on the assumption that people are around. Teams should evaluate the wind periodically to see if sailing becomes possible.
  • When sailing remains suspended duty teams can still help by undertaking roles around the house and grounds, such as litter picking, checking boat tie downs in the dinghy park, and tidying the duty desk/race hut/club areas etc
  • After the lunch period, if winds remain too high for sailing with little prospect of respite, duty teams, including the race team, may be stood down from 2pm. They should ensure that any RIBs etc are put away and that the club closing procedures are followed in accordance with the duty book guidance. If possible a note on facebook drawing attention to the abandonment of any sailing should be posted by a member of the duty team

I trust the above is clear and helps clarify any uncertainty.

Duties Update

The roster is now open until the end of July 2025. I will be allocating further duties in the next couple of weeks
If you would like to select the duties you do rather than being alloocated, then please volunteer via Dutyman.
(These count as one of the 2-3 duties that you need to do in the next membership year 01-Apr-25 to 31-Mar-26)

If you are not intending to renew your membership next year ie from 01-Apr-25, then please let me know (duties@chewvalleysailing.org.uk), as well as the membership secretary (membership@chewvalleysailing.org.uk).
You are still obliged to undertake any duties that have been allocated to you prior to the end of the current membership year (31/3/25).

We have tided up the duties desk and most forms are now located in a set of drawers on the right hand side


Accident prevention

At this time of year slipping on ice and muddy grass is a real risk – please do take care as you move around the club.

To help reduce the risk, our new Rear Commodore Chris Meredith recently arranged to lay some new matting for the well trodden path between the clubhouse and RIB pontoon, as shown in the picture below. Thanks Chris 🙂

Christmas Carols and Lunch

On the 07-Dec-24 we had our annual carols and memorial on Denny Island. A excellent turnout this year with 46 people on the Island both and new with a strong contingent from Bath University.

After carols Ben and Marcus did Christmas lunch for 37 of us.

Jo Cudmore had a guess the weight of the cake competition and sold jam and chutney in aid of the Alzheimer’s society and raised over £200. A very enjoyable day at the Club.

Breakfast at the club!

On Wednesday 12-Feb-25 the Police Group are organising breakfast for our members, guests from NARPO and of course any CVLSC members who would like to join us. Ben is providing us with a cooked breakfast at 10am.

Menu – full english breakfast with toast and unlimited tea or coffee £12 a head. Full vegetarian breakfast with toast and unlimited tea or coffee £12 ahead. Lighter option, two poached eggs on toast with further toast and unlimited tea or coffee £7 a head.

All are welcome – to book please email the Police Sailing Secretary Kim Huxtable – asfcsailingsecretary@gmail.com with confirmation that you wish to attend with your menu choice, he will confirm your booking and send you details of how to pay. Any questions please ask.

RYA First Aid Course

A RYA first aid course will be held on Saturday 15-Feb-25, a requirement for all instructors but recommended for all. Still only £30 which includes a days training by a RYA Instructor, the RYA first aid manual and certificate valid for 3 years. Please book via your Webcollect account. Any questions please ask.

Sailing in retrospect by Sailing Sec James Williams

As we start the new year and look ahead to sailing in 2025, a quick look back at racing in the final few months of 2024. Everyone will agree the weather was not on our side! Of the 18 days since the start of the Autumn Series when racing was planned, 9 of them managed all races, 2 didn’t manage all races and frustratingly 7 days saw no racing at all.

In the AM series Andy Jones beat brother Steve on countback to win the W/L handicap fleet with Colin Evans winning the RTC handicap. The top 3 in the ILCA fleet were split by 2 points, with Peter Sherwin on top. Fleet captain Chris Meredith counted only 1st places to win the Solos and Bella Broughton finished top of the Youth start. In total we had 16 qualifiers across all the fleets.

PM sprint racing is slowly gaining traction, with 32 boats competing over the 6 Sundays we managed racing. The series winners were once again Andy Jones (A Handicap) and Chris Meredith (B Handicap), with Sarah Harding on top in the ILCA fleet.

The Frostbite Series begins on Sunday 5th Jan and continues through to the end of March. A reminder that we only have AM racing in this series, but please do stay after racing for some of Ben and Antonia’s delicious food to warm you up.

2025-2026 Calendar

Alongside all of the sailing mentioned above, we are also hosting a range of open events, with our usual events alongside some championships, both regular and new to us! As ever, the Sailing Committee has prioritised our established classes and boats where we have regularly sailed club boats. We’re a popular venue with great race teams, but we can’t host everyone! If you sail one of these boats then stick the event in your diary!
Saturday 24th May – ILCA / Solo Open
Saturday 14th / Sunday 15th June – Seafly Nationals / Fireball Inlands / Scorpion Silver Traveller
Saturday 20th / Sunday 21st September – Topper Coaching / Open
Saturday 4th / Sunday 5th October – Firefly & Mirror Inlands
Saturday 25th October – RS200 / RS400 Open
Sunday 26th October – Chew Challenge open day
Saturday 8th / Sunday 9th November – RS100 & RS700 Inlands

Andy Jones