NOTE TO VISITORS and members returning to Chew– prevention of the spread of invasive non-native species.
CVLSC and Bristol Water are committed to the prevention of the spread of invasive species. We are following the Environment Agency and RYA guidelines – CHECK CLEAN DRY.

Visiting sailors before travelling to Chew and members returning should take all reasonable measures to:

1. CHECK for plant material and animal species (e.g. shrimp, zebra mussel)

2. CLEAN – wash boats, launching trolleys and kit

3. DRY – for as long as possible, at least 2 days

After racing/sailing all visitors are asked to CHECK and CLEAN before leaving the site. Further details will be provided at registration and as part of the competitors briefing.

If you are unfamiliar with this procedure see the following links:

Thank you.
Vice-Commodore, CVLSC