About Dave Oakey

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So far Dave Oakey has created 279 blog entries.

Sailing and Social Report 21-Oct-21


Sailing Club News – Thursday 21-Oct-21 We are now one week on from our 2021 AGM which saw the installation of Andy Jones, Paul Nichols and Jon Elmes as our new Commodore, Vice Commodore and Rear Commodore respectively. I am sure you will all join me in thanking them for stepping up to the [...]

Sailing and Social Report 21-Oct-212021-11-04T14:54:07+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 07-Oct-21


Sailing Club News – Thursday 07-Oct-21 First and foremost, I am sure I don’t need to remind any of you that one of the highlights of our Club year, the AGM, is scheduled for 7.30pm next Wednesday the 13-Oct-21. What an enormous relief it should be to us all to be able to hold [...]

Sailing and Social Report 07-Oct-212021-10-21T13:51:07+01:00

Julian Carr (Bristol) – seeking some fun on the water ?


I have been a member for the last 3 years and am looking for crewing opportunities whilst improving my knowledge and skill level. I re-took my RYA 1 & 2 when I joined, having not sailed much since school days on the Suffolk coast, but have always enjoyed the sport. I’ve sailed in the club [...]

Julian Carr (Bristol) – seeking some fun on the water ?2021-10-07T16:28:20+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 22-Sep-21


Sailing Club News – Wednesday 22-Sep-21 I hope that none of you are falling into the trap of thinking that the notice of our forthcoming AGM means it’s laying up time! The sun is still shining, there is the occasional puff of wind and, although the water level is falling, the lake is still [...]

Sailing and Social Report 22-Sep-212021-10-14T15:51:11+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 09-Sep-21


Sailing Club News – Thursday 09-Sep-21 The last weekend before the dreaded (or eagerly awaited, depending on your point of view!), return to school, saw the annual Barts Bash event on Sunday, coupled with the Family competitive fun afternoon. Despite the marked lack of tree shaking stuff, there was a respectable turnout for the [...]

Sailing and Social Report 09-Sep-212021-09-27T10:26:36+01:00
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