About Dave Oakey

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So far Dave Oakey has created 279 blog entries.

Sailing and Social Report 12-Mar-21


Sailing Club News – Friday 12-Mar-21 As we count down the days to ‘R’ day (the big return to sailing) on Wednesday 31-Mar-21, I can report that both of our committees are gearing up their activity to ensure everything is in place for this to happen smoothly. Well, those are the best laid plans! [...]

Sailing and Social Report 12-Mar-212021-03-25T15:08:49+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 25-Feb-21


Sailing Club News – Thursday 25-Feb-21 We are pencilling in Wednesday 31st March as the ‘big’ day! As I write the print is barely dry on the details of how the lockdown will be eased, and we have yet to receive guidance from the RYA. But the hope is that we will be able [...]

Sailing and Social Report 25-Feb-212021-03-17T12:27:17+00:00

Virtual Insanity


Virtual Insanity is better than Lockdown Lunacy Real sailing, of course, requires us to bring together many different skills and attributes such as boat preparation, handling skills, tactical decision making, finesse and tuning knowledge - which is what makes it such a challenging and rewarding sport. Personally, among my many shortcomings, I lack the [...]

Virtual Insanity2021-03-02T12:02:38+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 02-Feb-21


Sailing Club News – Tuesday 02-Feb-21 There is very little ‘news’ on the Chew sailing front to report, though we remain hopeful that, once the schools are allowed to re-open, we might be able to do the same. I want to give a vote of thanks from all of us to the ‘Chew locals’ [...]

Sailing and Social Report 02-Feb-212021-03-02T11:49:05+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 14-Jan-21


Sailing Club News – Thursday 14-Jan-21 With the national lockdown still in place, the prospect for any active sailing club ‘news’ might seem bleak indeed! However, I have tried to unearth some summaries of what was happening over the festive sailing period before the pandemic intervened. The pictures from Helen and her security patrol [...]

Sailing and Social Report 14-Jan-212021-02-08T10:10:13+00:00
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