About Dave Oakey

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So far Dave Oakey has created 279 blog entries.

Sailing and Social Report 06-Jun-20


Sailing Club News – Saturday 06-June-20 As the Return to Sailing Phase 1 reaches its 4th day, it has been inspiring to see how much pleasure getting back on to the water has brought so many of us. Andy Jones tells me 131 different memberships have had a sail across the 282 pre-booked slots. [...]

Sailing and Social Report 06-Jun-202020-06-20T11:42:05+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 28-May-20


Phew!! The weather was kind and our ‘trial’ day and first ‘return to sailing day’ went well. Thank you to so many of you for your thoughtful consideration for each other and for your feedback. We are learning all the time. Thank you to all the Committee, with a special mention for John Smalley [...]

Sailing and Social Report 28-May-202020-06-07T14:47:21+01:00

Covid 19 Coronavirus update 22-May-20


Latest planning for our return to recreational sailing during the Coronavirus pandemic. Thank you for your responses to the survey and for your comments and observations. Subject to Bristol Water approval we are aiming for recreational sailing to start by Wednesday 27-May-20. In order to avoid congestion on site, there will be strictly limited, [...]

Covid 19 Coronavirus update 22-May-202020-06-03T15:41:59+01:00

Covid 19, corona virus update- looking forward 12-May-20


I am writing on behalf of the Directors and General Committee. As will be the case with you all, we are excited at the imminent prospect of being able to sail again, albeit not as before. When can we go sailing again? Subject to meeting Bristol Water’s and our own criteria for a safe, [...]

Covid 19, corona virus update- looking forward 12-May-202020-05-25T15:53:27+01:00

Covid 19, Coronavirus Update email 05-May-20


How is this ongoing crisis impacting on our Sailing Club? Whenever I write something for the newsletter, it becomes out of date almost immediately – but my aim is to try and keep you informed. Inevitably thoughts are turning to an easing of the lockdown and getting back to sailing. Planning is underway. We [...]

Covid 19, Coronavirus Update email 05-May-202020-05-13T15:16:39+01:00
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