About Dave Oakey

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So far Dave Oakey has created 279 blog entries.

Sailing and Social Report 28-Apr-20


That is a man desperate for a sail! Two weeks have flown by (!) since the last News, and dare I even think the country’s mortality figures look a little better. Maybe some sort of change is in sight? Meanwhile, one or two of you have been letting me know how you have been [...]

Sailing and Social Report 28-Apr-202020-05-25T16:39:05+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 14-Apr-20


It speaks for itself - time to get 'virtually' afloat! Sailing Club News – Tuesday 14-Apr-20 Helen has sent me this brief update - Into week 4 of 'lockdown' and this glorious weather turns the mind to thoughts of sailing in warm sunshine. If it’s any consolation, there was almost no wind on the [...]

Sailing and Social Report 14-Apr-202020-04-30T10:20:20+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 05-Apr-20


The lake and Committee Boat were still there today! Sailing Club News – Sunday 05-Apr-20 I am sure many of you would have been looking forward to a sail today – a warm fresh breeze and sunshine – these are strange times we are living through. On a more cheerful note, Helen and the [...]

Sailing and Social Report 05-Apr-202020-04-15T11:48:56+01:00

Keeping in Touch 28-Mar-20


Keeping in touch, reducing costs, security, renewals and subscriptions It seems so much longer than a week since I last wrote to you. I do hope you and yours are keeping well and that you are gradually working out how life will be under the current restrictions. I know many members are directly involved [...]

Keeping in Touch 28-Mar-202020-04-06T15:37:19+01:00

Covid 19, Coronavirus Update email 21-Mar-20


Further to Thursday’s newsletter, it has been pointed out to me that “all sailing is suspended” could do with some clarity. Here goes: All of the following are cancelled: General sailing and racing Youth training on or off the water RYA training on or off the water Powerboat training on or off the water [...]

Covid 19, Coronavirus Update email 21-Mar-202020-03-28T14:32:32+00:00
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