About Dave Oakey

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So far Dave Oakey has created 279 blog entries.

Wayfarer International Rally 15/22-Jul-17


The 2017 Wayfarer International Rally - John Kelly America! America! God shed His grace on thee And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! ‘America the Beautiful’ is an American patriotic song originally composed in 1893 as a poem to commemorate the Fourth of July – it is a sort of unofficial [...]

Wayfarer International Rally 15/22-Jul-172017-11-08T11:48:00+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 03-Nov-17


RS100s racing in the Inland Championship Sailing Report - John Smalley, Vice Commodore We enjoyed a great weekend with the RS200s and 100s. Saturday brought a breezy but sailable 16 knot westerly rising to well over 20 knots as the afternoon wore on. An amazing turnout of 37 RS200s, including an incredible 11 from [...]

Sailing and Social Report 03-Nov-172017-12-10T12:05:16+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 27-Oct-17


Feva Training Group Sailing Report - John Smalley, Vice Commodore Writing my first sailing report as Vice Commodore, can I take this opportunity to introduce myself to those who do not already know me? Sadly ‘new’ I am not, but those fond memories I have of doing the job all those years ago persuaded [...]

Sailing and Social Report 27-Oct-172017-10-31T09:13:02+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 13-Oct-17


Sailing Report - Helen Martin, Vice Commodore The universities and schools are back in force on with team trials and taster days for freshers adding another lively dimension to the club. On Saturday another very gusty and shift westerly led to some exciting sailing, ideal conditions for the Powerboat 2 course and lots of [...]

Sailing and Social Report 13-Oct-172017-10-13T20:47:28+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 06-Oct-17


Sailing Report - Helen Martin, Vice Commodore There has been a flurry of events to tempt Chew sailors to travel: RS 100 nationals on the Solent, RS200 and 100 open at Starcross, the Flying Fifteen nationals and the RYA SW Zone championships. Apologies if I have missed an event. Well done to Flying Fifteen [...]

Sailing and Social Report 06-Oct-172017-10-06T14:15:26+01:00
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