About Dave Oakey

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So far Dave Oakey has created 279 blog entries.

Sailing and Social Report 10-Mar-17


Membership Renewals More than 100 members have now successfully renewed their membership and boat subscriptions using the new online system. Please get in touch with Sarah Benfield if you have any questions or if you did not receive your renewal email on Wednesday 1st March. We will be running Renewal Surgeries on the following [...]

Sailing and Social Report 10-Mar-172017-03-11T09:04:14+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 03-Mar-17


 IMPORTANT Membership Renewals You should have received an email on Wednesday 1st this week from cvlsc@webcollect.org.uk inviting you to renew your membership and including the login details for the online account we have set up for you with WebCollect. If you haven’t received it please check your Spam folder first and then contact the Membership Secretary [...]

Sailing and Social Report 03-Mar-172017-03-03T12:27:48+00:00

Steve’s Laser Tip of the Month 26-Feb-17


The psychology of gybing in strong windsHow many times have we all approached the gybe mark on a windy day with trepidation? How often have we validated our concerns by taking a swim with our mates in the ‘graveyard’ of upturned hulls?!The problemThe biggest problem that I observe when watching sailors gybing in strong winds [...]

Steve’s Laser Tip of the Month 26-Feb-172017-02-27T09:17:28+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 24-Feb-17


 Sailing Report - Helen Martin, Vice Commodore Wednesday sailors were disappointed this week with strong winds causing the sailing to be cancelled, even the universities and schools didn’t appear, presumably put off by the forecast. In contrast the weekend brought some great sailing, as long as you didn’t want to sail on Saturday morning, [...]

Sailing and Social Report 24-Feb-172017-02-25T11:38:21+00:00

Training Day and Some Great Results in the Class Race Day 18/19-Feb-17


 Dear Solo Sailors, We were treated to almost Spring like conditions for our double billing weekend of sailing. Saturday’s Training Day was superb: very professional and lots to learn – at the bottom of this email are some video links; and attached are some points to remember, kindly provided by Rob. Whilst today’s racing [...]

Training Day and Some Great Results in the Class Race Day 18/19-Feb-172017-02-22T13:28:20+00:00
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