Sailing and Social Report 06-Nov-20


Sailing Club News – Friday 06-Nov-20 Many of you must have a sense of déjà vu as we find ourselves back in Lockdown ‘light’. Well, ‘light’ in terms of schools, universities and bizarrely, garden centres…. One or two have expressed surprise at not being permitted into the club site to check on their boats, [...]

Sailing and Social Report 06-Nov-202020-11-24T16:53:39+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 23-Oct-20


Sailing Club News – Friday 23-Oct-20 Warning from Bristol Water – they have detected a raised level of Blue/Green Algae in the lake. They advise taking extra care handwashing, showering (unfortunately not at the Club), and thoroughly cleaning your sailing kit. Last week saw our first AGM carried out via the ether – Zoom! [...]

Sailing and Social Report 23-Oct-202020-11-07T11:20:50+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 09-Oct-20


Ollie Wilcox at Vilamoura Sailing Club News – Friday 09-Oct-20 This weekend would have seen the Club hosting one of our biggest events of the year, the Fireball Inland Championships with the Flying Fifteen S.W. Traveller open. This, along with the RS200 Open meeting on Saturday 24-Oct-20, Visitors Day on the 25-Oct-20 and the [...]

Sailing and Social Report 09-Oct-202020-10-24T11:33:18+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 25-Sep-20


Sailing Club News – Friday 25-Sep-20 We continued to enjoy some lovely September weather last weekend – mostly sunshine and a great breeze. The booking numbers have been consistently high and the lake has been particularly colourful with the return of the students practicing team racing (but otherwise keeping themselves to themselves). Pandemic related [...]

Sailing and Social Report 25-Sep-202020-10-10T15:45:39+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 18-Sep-20


Sailing Club News – Friday 18-Sep-20 So far, our trial of Return to Sailing Phase 3 appears to have been going well. We have seen some of the busiest sailing days since re-starting but the Club and the lake seems to be able to accommodate everyone without an undue sense of crowding. Beware that [...]

Sailing and Social Report 18-Sep-202020-09-26T10:50:56+01:00
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