Sailing and Social Report 13-Jul-20


Sailing Club News – Monday 13-Jul-20 The sunshine this weekend meant that lots of you booked to have a sail, though the winds were light and fickle. Both afternoon sessions were filled with 35 boats on each, but both morning sessions had spaces; only 13 signed up for Sunday morning! Our Covid sub-committees are [...]

Sailing and Social Report 13-Jul-202020-07-29T13:44:31+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 04-Jul-20


Sailing Club News – Saturday 04-Jul-20 The most significant happening since the last news is that the Southern pontoon has been re-built at last! It is in exactly the same format as before the storms, but I can vouch for the solidity of the anchoring process. Good news for the many members who rely [...]

Sailing and Social Report 04-Jul-202020-07-14T09:57:57+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 19-Jun-20


Sailing Club News – Friday 19-Jun-20 Once again it has been great to see so many of you enjoying the opportunity to have a sail. We very much hope that introducing Saturdays to the booking system will allow everyone to be able to book and choose their preferred day. And with the use of [...]

Sailing and Social Report 19-Jun-202020-07-07T14:28:17+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 06-Jun-20


Sailing Club News – Saturday 06-June-20 As the Return to Sailing Phase 1 reaches its 4th day, it has been inspiring to see how much pleasure getting back on to the water has brought so many of us. Andy Jones tells me 131 different memberships have had a sail across the 282 pre-booked slots. [...]

Sailing and Social Report 06-Jun-202020-06-20T11:42:05+01:00

Sailing and Social Report 28-May-20


Phew!! The weather was kind and our ‘trial’ day and first ‘return to sailing day’ went well. Thank you to so many of you for your thoughtful consideration for each other and for your feedback. We are learning all the time. Thank you to all the Committee, with a special mention for John Smalley [...]

Sailing and Social Report 28-May-202020-06-07T14:47:21+01:00
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