Sailing and Social Report 09-Mar-18


The Handicap Fleet battling for a favoured starboard end start on 25 February Sailing Report, 9 March The unseasonal burst of Winter meant the cancellation of everything at Chew last weekend. Like me, I hope you dusted off those long stored sledges and enjoyed some exhilarating activity that didn’t involve pulling on a drysuit! [...]

Sailing and Social Report 09-Mar-182018-03-11T10:04:39+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 23-Feb-18


Fireball Training and Open Meeting coming up in March Sailing Report, 23-Feb-18 At last, my prayers were answered and we had a decent forecast for last Sunday’s Class Race Day. The result was a good turnout with almost 40 boats coming to the start line; it was like Frostbite series of old! There was [...]

Sailing and Social Report 23-Feb-182018-02-25T09:34:31+00:00

Sailing and Social Report 08-Feb-18


RYA Director of Racing Ian Walker at Chew Valley on 01-Feb-18 Sailing Report BUSA Team Trials – I am still recovering from spending the weekend on the committee boat watching the fun as many students from all over the South West and Wales battled to try and reach the finals of this annual [...]

Sailing and Social Report 08-Feb-182018-02-09T10:25:17+00:00

Junior Squad Success 05-Feb-18


Chew Valley Lake SC Junior Squad Success Over the years Chew Valley Lake SC has been very successful in running race training session for our junior sailors in their Toppers, Fevas and occasionally Oppies. We have also hosted open training sessions for these classes, enabling not only our club sailors to benefit from great [...]

Junior Squad Success 05-Feb-182018-02-09T09:47:01+00:00

Club Signs New Lease 26-Jan-18


Chew Valley Lake Sailing Club signs new lease with Bristol Water I am delighted to let you know that we have just signed the new 25 year lease with Bristol Water, guaranteeing the future of the sailing at Chew for the foreseeable future.  I am grateful for the help of those involved in [...]

Club Signs New Lease 26-Jan-182018-02-05T13:48:45+00:00
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