Sailing Report 20-Jan-17


Working Party - Allen Marsh & Laura Smith This weekend, Saturday 21st January, 10:00. Warm up, meet some different people, get some exercise and help stop part of the southern section of the dinghy park falling into the lake. We need helpers to re-organise the rocks on the shore (many have tumbled down) and [...]

Sailing Report 20-Jan-172017-01-20T15:58:21+00:00

Winter Wednesday Social Events


Winter Wednesday Social Events Aiming For Tokyo - 1st February with Chew’s 2020 Podium Potential sailor Ellie Cumpsty. The Story of Chew Valley Lake Sailing Club - 22nd March with Dave Macklin, Brian Brookes, Hugh Whatley and friends.

Winter Wednesday Social Events2017-01-17T11:43:07+00:00

Sailing Report 13-Jan-17


Sailing Report High pressure, no wind, no sailing on Saturday. And on Sunday? Thick mist and no wind in the morning. With very little prospect of the wind building, cheerful but disappointed sailors enjoyed bacon butties and a catch up after the Christmas period, welcomed our Frostbite members and then headed off to use [...]

Sailing Report 13-Jan-172017-01-17T09:47:39+00:00

23 DECEMBER 2016


SEASONS GREETINGS Another year draws to an end and one that came with its challenges, but despite the BREXIT and Trump factors the sailing club has grown and developed significantly into a stronger, even better managed and happy place to be, for which I would like to thank all of those involved on the Committees, [...]

23 DECEMBER 20162017-01-14T16:21:40+00:00

Invasive Species


Please remember our commitment to the prevention of the spread of invasive species: "CHECK CLEAN DRY"- more information.

Invasive Species2018-07-30T10:30:47+01:00
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