The finishing touches are just being put to the 2019 Summer program for the club’s junior and youth sailors. Over the next few weeks, specific announcements will be going out for each of the activities; from Chew Crew beginners and intermediates, through junior race days and team racing, and the continued Laser and 29er race training for the more experienced youth sailors.

To kick off the summer program an Assistant Dinghy Instructor Course is being held on the weekend of 13th/14th April 2019. Aimed at those wanting to help with junior training at the club. Sailors need to be 14 years or older, good sailors, with at least a strong Stage 3 ability. The course will cover sailing a variety of boats, single handed sailing, double handed sailing, seamanship skills, the club operating procedures and how to instruct from both a RIB and a dinghy. Parents and other club members who are wanting to help with Chew Crew on the water are also strongly encouraged to attend. There will be no charge for this training.

Chew Crew will start in early May, with both beginners RYA Stage 1 & 2 courses, and an Intermediate group for those who already have their Stage 2 certificates. Friendly informal group tuition is provided for youngsters aged between 8 (by the 1st May), and 16. Dinghy Instructors, Assistant Dinghy instructors and experienced club members will give tuition. Training will be given in Optibats, Toppers and Tera dinghies and occasionally double handed dinghies with full safety cover on Sunday mornings from 10 am until 1pm from May to September 2019 (with a 3 Sunday break in later July/early August).

New for this summer, as an extension to Chew Crew, is a Junior Race Day, running approximately monthly. Aimed at those in the Intermediate group and above, who want to improve their sailing and to try out some racing. The goal is to improve sailing skills while having fun. It will be a full day program with coaching provided by RYA Junior Race Coaches in the morning, and coached racing in the afternoon. All junior classes will be very welcome to attend – Optimists, Teras, Toppers, Mirrors and Fevas. Included within the Junior Race Day will be the previously stand-alone Topper and Feva race coaching sessions. The stand-alone Topper and Feva coaching days will return in the Autumn once the summer Junior Race Days have finished in September.

August Antics will be held over the August Bank Holiday with the usual mix of something for everyone; some improvement sessions, some fun and games, and some races for the coveted August Antics trophy. Mark it in your calendars, details to follow nearer the date.

For those keen on racing, or keen to start racing, two & three boat team racing is a new initiative at the club, run in cooperation with Clifton College. The club Fevas have been used for the first couple of sessions, and we will be training with Clifton College in their Fireflys when we are able. The team are hoping to enter the Western Schools Regional competition hosted by Clifton College in May, and the Eric Twiname junior and youth team racing championships in October. This is a great opportunity for keen, less experienced sailors, to crew for the more experienced racing sailors both for the coaching and in the competitions. Session booking is already live on webcollect.

The Youth Laser and 29er race coaching sessions will continue through the summer, approximately monthly. The new summer dates are regularly being added as RIB bookings and coaches are confirmed. Register via webcollect.

To keep up to date on all the junior and youth activities and sessions visit the youth section of the club website. The whole section will be updated with summer 2019 content over the next few weeks. For now, the news and calendar section are up to date

Use webcollect to register and pay for the sessions. Some of these are now live, other sessions and dates will be added over the next few weeks.