News and Reports Archive

Steve’s Laser Tip of the Month 01-Apr-17

Tip of the month – using the Cunningham upwind in a blow! Andy Southall, a regular and experienced club racer at Chew, recently had his ‘cunningham epiphany’ moment at the [...]

Sailing and Social Report 31-Mar-17

Membership RenewalsThanks everyone who has renewed. The new team are beavering away - please be patient, boat stickers, membership cards etc. will be forthcoming. You can view the calendar on the [...]

Sailing and Social Report 24-Mar-17

Sailing in 2017/18 - Toby Peacock, Joint Sailing Sec. The new season – our 50th! - kicks off in April, with a host of events to take advantage of the [...]

Sailing and Social Report 17-Mar-17

Membership Renewals Membership renewals are flooding in. Mike Pearce has run a couple of WebCollect clinics (more to come) and Sarah Benfield, who only recently joined the membership team, is [...]

Sailing and Social Report 10-Mar-17

Membership Renewals More than 100 members have now successfully renewed their membership and boat subscriptions using the new online system. Please get in touch with Sarah Benfield if you have [...]

Sailing and Social Report 03-Mar-17

 IMPORTANT Membership Renewals You should have received an email on Wednesday 1st this week from inviting you to renew your membership and including the login details for the online account we [...]

Sailing and Social Report 24-Feb-17

 Sailing Report - Helen Martin, Vice Commodore Wednesday sailors were disappointed this week with strong winds causing the sailing to be cancelled, even the universities and schools didn’t appear, presumably [...]

Sailing & Social Reports 17-Feb-17

 Sailing Report - by RO Simon ChapmanWith a wind chill making the temperature -3 and a forecast of a blustery easterly, it was with some trepidation that I arrived at the [...]

Membership Renewals 17-Feb-17

 Membership renewals move into the 21st Century! Membership renewals this year will be handled through an online system called WebCollect. This system will be familiar to those people who have [...]

Sailing & Social Reports 10-Feb-17

Sailing Report - Helen Martin, Vice Commodore Once again the club was full of cheerful, enthusiastic university teams competing in the BUSA Western Region Team Trials for places in the national [...]

Sailing & Social Reports 03-Feb-17

Sailing & Social Reports - Helen Martin, Vice Commodore While we were away looking for some sunshine and warmth, a lot was going on.... I thought I’d use some quotes [...]

Thank you so much working party 21-Jan-17

Thank you so much to the laser fleet members and others who helped out on Saturday 21st January with our dinghy park working party – we moved an impressive amount of stone with a [...]

Steve’s Laser Tip of the Month 01-Feb-17

Join us at Rock!  Easter weekend 14th-17thApril Steve shares his personal experiences from our annual laser fleet holiday to Rock – and why you should join us this Easter! Rock [...]

Sailing Report 20-Jan-17

Working Party - Allen Marsh & Laura Smith This weekend, Saturday 21st January, 10:00. Warm up, meet some different people, get some exercise and help stop part of the southern [...]

Newsletter Archive

The club used to produce a quarterly newsletter which is posted on the website.