News and Reports Archive

Sailing and Social Report 24-Mar-21

Sailing Club News – Wednesday 24-Mar-21 Maths was never my long suit, but I reckon that after this news drops into your inboxes, there will be 161 hours (and only [...]

Sailing and Social Report 12-Mar-21

Sailing Club News – Friday 12-Mar-21 As we count down the days to ‘R’ day (the big return to sailing) on Wednesday 31-Mar-21, I can report that both of our [...]

Sailing and Social Report 25-Feb-21

Sailing Club News – Thursday 25-Feb-21 We are pencilling in Wednesday 31st March as the ‘big’ day! As I write the print is barely dry on the details of how [...]

Virtual Insanity

Virtual Insanity is better than Lockdown Lunacy Real sailing, of course, requires us to bring together many different skills and attributes such as boat preparation, handling skills, tactical decision making, [...]

Sailing and Social Report 02-Feb-21

Sailing Club News – Tuesday 02-Feb-21 There is very little ‘news’ on the Chew sailing front to report, though we remain hopeful that, once the schools are allowed to re-open, [...]

Sailing and Social Report 14-Jan-21

Sailing Club News – Thursday 14-Jan-21 With the national lockdown still in place, the prospect for any active sailing club ‘news’ might seem bleak indeed! However, I have tried to [...]

Sailing and Social Report 31-Dec-20

Phase 5 Return to sailing In view of the deteriorating Covid situation described in the government announcement 30-Dec-20, for the short term (hopefully) we have taken the responsible decision to [...]

Sailing and Social Report 11-Dec-20

The changeable weather has been frustrating for those who are able and wanting to get back to some sailing – either no wind or too much. The forecast for this [...]

Sailing and Social Report 01-Dec-20

Sailing Club News – Tuesday 01-Dec-20 Well, I am sure I don’t have to tell any of you the good news from tomorrow! My problem is working out exactly how [...]

Sailing and Social Report 20-Nov-20

Sailing Club News – Friday 20-Nov-20 We are over halfway through the lockdown ‘light’ – the end is in sight. Helen has assured me from her security patrols that the [...]

Sailing and Social Report 06-Nov-20

Sailing Club News – Friday 06-Nov-20 Many of you must have a sense of déjà vu as we find ourselves back in Lockdown ‘light’. Well, ‘light’ in terms of schools, [...]

Sailing and Social Report 23-Oct-20

Sailing Club News – Friday 23-Oct-20 Warning from Bristol Water – they have detected a raised level of Blue/Green Algae in the lake. They advise taking extra care handwashing, showering [...]

Sailing and Social Report 09-Oct-20

Ollie Wilcox at Vilamoura Sailing Club News – Friday 09-Oct-20 This weekend would have seen the Club hosting one of our biggest events of the year, the Fireball Inland Championships [...]

Sailing and Social Report 25-Sep-20

Sailing Club News – Friday 25-Sep-20 We continued to enjoy some lovely September weather last weekend – mostly sunshine and a great breeze. The booking numbers have been consistently high [...]

Sailing and Social Report 18-Sep-20

Sailing Club News – Friday 18-Sep-20 So far, our trial of Return to Sailing Phase 3 appears to have been going well. We have seen some of the busiest sailing [...]

Sailing and Social Report 10-Sep-20

Sailing Club News – Thursday 10-Sep-20 The first weekend of our Phase 3 Return to Sailing seemed to go very well indeed. Day 1 of the powerboat training was apparently [...]

Sailing and Social Report 28-Aug-20

The newest boat at the Club??! Sailing Club News – Friday 28-Aug-20 Although I have been away enjoying a break in sunny (yes – sunny!) Scotland, I have still been [...]

Sailing and Social Report 15-Aug-20

Apologies for old photos- I'm still learning! Sailing Club news 15-Aug-20 A little bit of rain to water the garden and to drive me inside..... lots of short items in this [...]

Sailing and Social Report 03-Aug-20

Paul and Gabs Nichols Sailing Club News – Monday 03-Aug-20 Those that were at the Club this weekend enjoyed some sparkling sailing conditions. The racing session on Sunday morning saw [...]

Newsletter Archive

The club used to produce a quarterly newsletter which is posted on the website.