News and Reports Archive

Sailing and Social Report 28-Jul-20

Racing again! A Dinwoodie spinnaker gybe... Sailing Club News – Tuesday 28-Jul-20 Many of you have been enjoying a sail with some decent summer breezes to do the pushing. It [...]

Sailing and Social Report 13-Jul-20

Sailing Club News – Monday 13-Jul-20 The sunshine this weekend meant that lots of you booked to have a sail, though the winds were light and fickle. Both afternoon sessions [...]

Sailing and Social Report 04-Jul-20

Sailing Club News – Saturday 04-Jul-20 The most significant happening since the last news is that the Southern pontoon has been re-built at last! It is in exactly the same [...]

Sailing and Social Report 19-Jun-20

Sailing Club News – Friday 19-Jun-20 Once again it has been great to see so many of you enjoying the opportunity to have a sail. We very much hope that [...]

Sailing and Social Report 06-Jun-20

Sailing Club News – Saturday 06-June-20 As the Return to Sailing Phase 1 reaches its 4th day, it has been inspiring to see how much pleasure getting back on to [...]

Sailing and Social Report 28-May-20

Phew!! The weather was kind and our ‘trial’ day and first ‘return to sailing day’ went well. Thank you to so many of you for your thoughtful consideration for each [...]

Covid 19 Coronavirus update 22-May-20

Latest planning for our return to recreational sailing during the Coronavirus pandemic. Thank you for your responses to the survey and for your comments and observations. Subject to Bristol Water [...]

Sailing and Social Report 28-Apr-20

That is a man desperate for a sail! Two weeks have flown by (!) since the last News, and dare I even think the country’s mortality figures look a little [...]

Sailing and Social Report 14-Apr-20

It speaks for itself - time to get 'virtually' afloat! Sailing Club News – Tuesday 14-Apr-20 Helen has sent me this brief update - Into week 4 of 'lockdown' and [...]

Sailing and Social Report 05-Apr-20

The lake and Committee Boat were still there today! Sailing Club News – Sunday 05-Apr-20 I am sure many of you would have been looking forward to a sail today [...]

Keeping in Touch 28-Mar-20

Keeping in touch, reducing costs, security, renewals and subscriptions It seems so much longer than a week since I last wrote to you. I do hope you and yours are [...]

Covid 19, Coronavirus Update email 21-Mar-20

Further to Thursday’s newsletter, it has been pointed out to me that “all sailing is suspended” could do with some clarity. Here goes: All of the following are cancelled: General [...]

Sailing and Social Report 17-Mar-20

No sailing tomorrow, Wednesday 18-Mar-20 Following yesterday’s announcements relating to Covid 19, coronavirus, we have taken the decision to suspend sailing for tomorrow. The duty team is understandably unable to [...]

Sailing and Social Report 27-Feb-20

The intrepid pontoon rescuers! Sailing Club News – 27-Feb-20 After all the storms and strong winds have done their best to wipe out sailing and racing for the last three [...]

Sailing and Social Report 13-Feb-20

Nipigegi - Wednesday 26th Feb. talk Sailing Club News 13-Feb-20 Storm Ciara not only caused the Club to close last Sunday, (and if any of you are thinking you could [...]

Sailing and Social Report 31-Jan-20

John Kelly and Ruth Kenyon - Quiz hosts 07-Feb-20 Sailing Club News – 31-Jan-20 Another two contrasting weeks of weather saw no sailing at all on Sunday 19th, and more [...]

Newsletter Archive

The club used to produce a quarterly newsletter which is posted on the website.