Sailing Club News December 2021
Change is afoot – the advent of the winter cold weather was heralded by Storm Arwen last weekend while unfortunately Covid-19 and the government response to the Omicron variant is driving some important alterations to our approach – please read on for important information regarding this.
Also new this week is that I am taking the editorial reigns from John Smalley, who does such a sterling job churning out these newsletters, please forgive my probable typos and grammatical errors.
Covid 19
Important update to member instructions
As you will be aware Government advice concerning the use of face coverings was recently updated. In crowded indoor settings and enclosed spaces like the clubhouse people are advised to wear a face covering, particularly where you may come into contact with other people you do not normally meet. To reflect the new guidance we are introducing additional precautions to help keep all members and visitors safe:
- all members must now wear a face covering when inside any area of the clubhouse. The only exceptions are when you are seated to consume food or drink, or if an individual is exempt
- As an added precaution we are asking members attending the club on days when there are large events being held to complete a LFT within 24 hours of coming to the club. This applies this weekend for the Bristol Brew, and for the Christmas lunch and Police breakfast
- Duty teams are reminded to open clubhouse doors and windows to help ventilate the inside space, even though it may be cold – so get out your winter woolies and layer up if you are coming to the club
Our updated member and duty team guidelines are linked here.
We hope that these slightly tighter constraints will be needed only for the short term and will of course continue to review and update our approach against the detailed government and RYA advice over the coming weeks.
Bristol Brew
Sat 04-Dec-21 and Sunday 05-Dec-21
This weekend sees us host the Bristol Brew team racing event. This is a significant student event with over 100 sailors attending, and the sailing committee and University sailors have been working hard to ensure its success. There are a few key things to highlight that will help it run smoothly and safely:
- All competitors and volunteers have been asked to undertake a LFT within 24 hours prior to the event (as detailed above this is also required for club members attending the club this weekend)
- They will additionally follow our member covid guidelines – face coverings inside are mandatory
- Car parking will be very busy on both days, please park tidily and follow any instructions given by the duty team
- The changing room may be busy – the University will aim to stagger changing times to avoid overcrowding and a first team race start of 10am will also help reduce congestion
- Any members needing to launch from the Southern slipway should liaise with the event beach master who will clear the pontoon and help arrange unencumbered launching
- Please speak in the first instance with the duty team should you experience any problems, they will do their best to assist you
First Aid and Powerboat training
Anyone needing to do a first aid course, or any new members that gained their PB2 elsewhere and would like to attend one of our introduction to Chew sessions, should please contact Jeff Stratford at to be added to his course list
Christmas Lunch – 15-Dec-21 13:30
There are still a handful of places left if you would like to join the Wednesday sailors Christmas lunch. Please drop Antonia and Ben an email as soon as possible to secure your place (or see them in the galley where a menu and booking form will be available). Price is £20 per person
Lake and Cake Walk
Last Sunday 6 lake & cakers’ went on a 5-mile circular walk across the fields to Chew Magna and stopped to refuel at a pub half-way round (for hot chocolate & cake!). It was a wonderfully sunny and crisp morning, with beautiful surrounding countryside and no boggy tracks this time. Just good fun & exercise.
Rosie’s planning a pre-Christmas walk from the clubhouse around Chew Stoke & hills above the lake on Sat 18th Dec (aka Allens Walk), followed by tea & mince pies, or something stronger, at the clubhouse. It’ll be weather permitting and more to follow on WhatApps.
Contact Rosie if you would like to be added the lake & cake WhatsApp group:
On the Road
There’s been some great recent success on the road for Chew teams recently:
- Paul Croote and Andrew Whapshott won the Cherub Inlands at Queen Mary
- Chris Meredith won a Solo Open at Teign Corinthian YC with straight firsts in a fleet of 28
- Tom Jeffcoate steered a 505 with Tim Hartley at the Draycote Dash and James Williams sailed his 200 with Sarah Tuppen to lead the field after day one. Results
December caption competition
To finish with, something a bit different. Capsizes happen to the best of us….. There’s a no expense spared prize for the best caption to go with this picture – I’m setting the bar low with my effort: “you put your left foot in, left foot out, in out, in out and shake it all about”. Entries please to me here by 15-Dec-21
Andy Jones

Steve Jones showing upwind style

What is the collective name for a group of lasers – a legion?

Lining up before the start

Hike Chris, hike!!

Our Rear Commodore inspecting his hull

Martin Jeremy fights upwind

Team Smalley battle it out in their Mirrors

James Williams and Sarah Tuppen led the fleet on day one of the Draycott Dash

Lake and Cakers working up their appetite