Sailing Club News – Thursday 05-Aug-21
The Chew Crew summer break, coupled with the usual holiday exodus of members to guess where, the UK(!), has made it easier to park our cars on Sundays. Temporarily I hope.
Last Sunday’s Class Race day was a frustrating affair for competitors and race team alike. In the morning a 180deg wind shift completely turned the windward/leeward course on its head! However, the Committee Boat had been parked at the North end of the lake so we were entertained by a great sounding band at the Valley Festival!
Also don’t forget that this evening is the third of the Fun Thursdays when safety cover is laid on by the Police Group from 14.00 until 20.00. As always on these evenings there will be a fun race organised around 6pm and a BBQ afterwards. Hope to see lots of you there in the slightly cooler evening breeze!
One of our Club handheld radios has disappeared. Please can you all check kit bags etc lest it has inadvertently been misplaced. We would really like it back…
Also Rob Hatherell is missing his prize Victoriaknox knife – probably borrowed to shorten a rope (!) – please can this find its way back to him.
Boat Park Update
Since the last boat park report in June the influx of new boats has slowed, allowing us to turn our attention to other activities
Many of you will be pleased to see that we have been busy identifying and moving some of the long-standing and seemingly abandoned boats. These boats have been temporarily moved to the upper boat park while we attempt to contact the previous owners. The spaces have been cleared and strimmed and are now ready for new members to move in. We plan to continue this approach in the coming weeks as we look to identify and begin moving boats that are no longer registered.
With just over a month past the 2021/22 membership renewal date this is a reminder to please ensure that you promptly affix your new orange sticker to your boat if you haven’t already done so. There will be a full audit of the boat park at the end of August and any boats not registered and/or displaying the correct plaque as per club rules will be reported to the general committee.
Unfortunately, despite appeals in April and June asking for the owners of any loose road trailers to move or remove them, many of the trailers have remained in place and are attracting others as we now have more abandoned trailers than in April. As previously mentioned, we will begin gathering up the trailers and any that remain unclaimed by their owners are likely to be sold or scrapped over the coming months.
Boat Park Team (Jon Elmes & Allen Marsh)
Want to do a Powerboat level 2 Course then read on…
The Powerboat team are running a RYA PB2 course on Thursday 12-Aug-21 and Thursday 19-Aug-21.
We currently have one space available.
You have to be a Club member and over 16 but we will consider you if you are nearly 16 and aiming to be a DI. You must be available to do both dates as it is progressive. You do not need any experience.
The cost £40 to include two full days instruction, the Start Powerboating handbook, your logbook and syllabus and your PB2 certificate which is registered with the RYA and enables you to apply for your International Certificate of Competence.
Please book via your webcollect account.
If you have any questions please contact Jeff on
Lunch on the Lake
Saturday 14-Aug-21 (weather permitting) GP14 (sail number 10562) will be dropping anchor and sails and having lunch on the lake. In preparation for dinghy cruising later in the year and throughout 2022 Chew Valley Lake is the perfect safe environment to hone those skills and discuss the necessary equipment and boat set up required for safe coastal navigation. So come alongside, raft up (rope fenders will be available, I can even show you how to make them for your own boat!) have lunch and a chat. All welcome. Those with anchors are especially welcome
Response has already been positive and I am hoping for good weather to guarantee a successful and fun first Lunch on the Lake event.
For more in-depth detail see the Facebook post, posted 17-Jul-21 or email me
Simon Conway
Successful RYA Beginners Course
A big shout out to the students who completed their RYA Start Sailing and Basic Skills (Levels 1 and 2 in old money) on the 18-Jul-21.
Well done to Corinne Newman, Clare Eley, Bert Power, Mandy Higgins, Chris Pritchett, Mike Gamiln and Peter and Téa Fisher. We look forward to seeing you all out on the water.
Thanks to Colin Walsh, Cathy Bartram, Hugh Nettlefield, Dave Pye, Martin Reynolds, Tony Clutten and Rich Hole who all instructed at some point during the course.
Dave Orme CVLSC RYA Principal
Lake & Cake – Saturday 31-Jul-21
An enjoyable Lake and cake last Saturday with a vibrant Valley Fest backdrop. There was more wind than forecast but this made for some great blasting up & down the lake whilst avoiding the weed which caused a few problems!
We started small as many are away at this time of year, but soon grew in numbers when the tea & cakes came out (and a tannoy announcement to all to join us & eat).
The next lake & cake is Saturday 04-Sep-21, then our final one for 2021 is on Sat 25-Sep-21. The format is the same – meet at 1:45pm, changed, rigged and ready to sail for a great afternoon on the water.
If you would like to be added to the lake & cake WhatsApp group contact Rosie on
RNLI – Tea and Cakes beside the Lake – Friday 03-Sep-21 3pm -6pm
Come and enjoy an afternoon beside the lake! This has been a particularly busy summer for the RNLI with so many people choosing ‘staycations’ instead of holidaying abroad – the RNLI need your support..
Tea, coffee, cakes and live music. Cash Bar.
Ticket £5. Children under 10 free.
Contact Tim Gracey – 01725 854623
Thank you from the BBC
Thank you so very much for all of the time you put into helping us with our film last Sunday. It was the most wonderfully welcoming place to be, let alone beautiful and Quinn (Edmonds) and the children were just fabulous. The BBC are really happy with the film we made, as are we.
Thank you again, and do have a spectacular summer
Joe Watson
Series Producer
(When I hear a time for this to be broadcast, I will let you know.)
Many thanks to Jo Cudmore for most of the pictures this week. Wherever you escape to over the summer, please send me any interesting articles and pictures to share with everyone.
John Smalley –

A bit of history – the signing of our new lease 2017

Lunch on the Lake Saturday 14-Aug-21

Successful candidates on the RYA beginners course

Capsize practice on land!

Lake and Cake 31-Jul-21

The colourful background of the Valley Festival