With spring on the horizon here’s a taste of what’s happened, what’s coming up at the club, and news of an exciting new trial.
Importantly, please read the notes below from Rosie about renewals, and from Paul about the Easter weekend events – it will be great to see such large numbers on the water enjoying our sport and represents a great opportunity for us to once again showcase the fantastic sailing and facilities that Chew has to offer. Aside from that, it’s an added benefit that they contribute a considerable amount in fees to the club coffers.
2022/23 membership renewals are due today
A reminder that your membership and boat fee renewals for 2022/23 are due by today (1st April). If you haven’t renewed & paid yet, please can you do it now. Our new membership year has begun, and all 2021/22 subscriptions have now expired.
The Renewal Reminders were emailed on 2nd March. If you can’t find yours please let the Membership Secretary know.
If you pay your fees by Direct Debit we do not automatically debit your bank account. You still need to log-in to your WebCollect account to check & renew your subscriptions and select Direct Debit as your payment method; as this will provide the necessary authorisation for us to collect your fee.
To help your renewal run smoothly, do check that your details on your WebCollect account and Dutyman are all up to date.
If you are not-renewing, it’s important that you also let us know now (you’ll find a link in your renewal reminder email), as you may have a deposit on a gate key to be refunded, and we’ll need to take you off DutyMan so we don’t roster you for a Duty!
Please contact the Membership Secretary (Rosie Bowers) if you have any questions, or would like help: membership@chewvalleysailing.org.uk
Racing Round up – Paul Nichols Vice Commodore
As the end of march and the final race in the Frostbite series bids farewell to winter the intrepid all weather sailors were finally treated to ideal sailing conditions last weekend – Sun, Wind and Challenging racing with a promising but inconsistent NNE breeze.
Great to see a large turn out across all classes and a varied mixed handicap fleet – which bids well for the spring and summer months. Well done to all those who made it through the ice and storms and welcome back to those brushing the cobwebs off! – 2022 Sailing is well underway!
Spring offers a wide & varied number of activities which see’s the return to AM and PM points races this weekend followed by the first of the Wednesday evening series with the early start practice race @ 18.30.
Back into full swing the club offers something for everyone in April; General sailing, CLADS, Lake and Cake, Lunch on the Lake and Radio Sailing. For the competitive ones there is a mixture of club series racing, and shinny Club Trophy’s all up for Grabs.
Easter weekend is going to be a major milestone for the club hosting two prestigious events. Firstly we play host to the UK Laser Masters running over Saturday and Sunday with competitors coming from as far a field as Ireland and Scotland. General sailing will be permitted on Saturday and Sunday at the discretion of the race officer
On Easter Monday our own University of Bristol play host to this years sought after Finals of the British Universities National Team Racing series, which continues Tuesday and Wednesday.
Note: Sailing on Tuesday has been agreed by our landlords Bristol Water by exception for BUSA competitors only, there is no general sailing. general sailing is however permitted as normal on Easter Monday and on Wednesday

The club will obviously be very busy over this period and the Sailing Committee, class association and University sailors have all been working hard to ensure the events run successfully. In particular:
- Please park neatly and follow the directions of the duty team. Overspill car parking for up to 20 cars has been agreed for both events at Woodford Lodge if needed
- If you need to launch your boat from the southern pontoon during the university event please liaise with the event beach master who will try and find a quiet time and assist you to do so
- Please keep clear of the racing course areas during the event – the lake is plenty big enough!
Wednesday Evening Duties
We are in the process of compiling the duty teams for Wednesday evening racing over the spring and summer. Traditionally this is made up from those who competed in the most races in the previous year’s Wednesday evenings, but unfortunately numbers last year weren’t enough to fill all the slots, with 125 Individuals potentially identified across 147 duty slots. As such:
- Those that competed in the most races last year may be given a second duty to fill the gaps in the main series. Currently this is looking like half a dozen people.
- There are 2 ‘Wind Down Wednesdays’ at the end of the series. The duties for these 2 weeks will be based on the attendance in the main series over the next few months (but no one will be rostered to more than 2 Wednesday evenings).
Please volunteer for any vacant duties if you are able to help.
Radio Controlled Marks
In a first for a sailing club, we are working closely with a specialist firm to pioneer the use of radio controlled race marks on Chew. The radio controlled marks (seen in the picture on the right) offer many advantages over their more traditional equivalent:
- GPS positioning combined with a system of internal gyroscopes helps them maintain a fixed station, removing any risk of marks drifting out of position.
- The GPS positioning also removes the need for ground tackle, which in turn avoids the need to drag up a heavy anchor when moving the mark, freeing up RIBs to focus on safety duties
- The marks can simply and accurately positioned using a radio control consul controlled from the comfort of race control
- The marks can be pre programmed to move to the desired course configuration. When dropped over the side of the committee boat the windward mark will assess the wind direction and motor the designated distance upwind, where it will hold station throughout the race
- At the end of each day a simple homing button calls all the marks home where they can be easily lifted from the lake
The new marks will be introduced at Chew later this month on a trial basis but before then it is vital that all Race Officers, ARO’s and RIB crew are familiar with their use.
Please complete the short familiarisation and find out more by clicking here
Lake and Cake – Calling all ladies
Hilary and Jo are looking forward to welcoming you to our first Lake and Cake of the year on Saturday 23-Apr-22.
We will meet at 12:45 on the lawn outside the training room rigged and ready for a sail. If you are a new member or are feeling rusty after all the lockdowns and would like a more experienced buddy to help you have more fun on the water then please let Hilary or Jo know in advance and we will do our best to ensure we team you up with a friendly sailor for the afternoon.
Bring some cake and a pound (for tea!) to share in the bar after sailing when you can chat about your experiences and get to know the other ladies of the club!
Volunteers Needed Please as of 01-Apr-22
Please help fill the following slots in our roster – you can either swap an existing duty or simply volunteer through dutyman (or please contact Tom) and it will count towards your annual tally.
Sunday 10th April: ARO
ILCA (Laser) Masters:
Sat 16th April – Rescue Crew
Sun 17th – Rescue Helm and Rescue Crew
Bank Holiday Monday 18th: 2 x Rescue Helm, 2 x Rescue Crew
Flying Fifteen Open: Sat 30th April and Sun 1st May – Rescue Helm
Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May: 2 x OOD, 2 x Rescue Helm, 2 x Rescue Crew
Food, Glorious Food! Antonia’s Deli
Pizza Nights – Thank you to all who have come along to support us over the last couple of months, we hope you have enjoyed them as much as we have! With the Wednesday race starting again next week, we have decided to stop the monthly pizza evenings for the summer, however, we will try and do some ad-hoc evenings so watch this space! But don’t worry! That doesn’t mean you will go without, we will still be serving them most Saturdays:)
Wednesday Race – We are looking forward to greeting the Wednesday Racers back next week and will be providing some delicious hot meals afterwards to fill the gap for those that wish to stay on and eat!
Other useful bits – As you know, we always try and provide a variety of fresh food to suit everyone, however, please do get in touch should you have any specific allergens or requirements. As the weather warms up, we will be introducing a wider variety of fresh salads, soups, and other seasonal foods. We also offer children’s portions too, and are more than happy to provide ‘lunch box’ style lunches on request so please feel free to get in touch:)
Help needed – We are unfortunately losing one of our lovely helpers due to moving up north and are in need of someone to replace her asap. If anyone knows of anyone that would like a few Sat/Sun hours, please get in touch:) Tasks include serving and general kitchen assistant duties. Great and easy part-time job (and includes lunch!).
Opening Times – Wednesday PM race, Sat & Sun 9-4pm
Contact details: antoniasdeli@protonmail.com or 07713 635 393
PB2 Course
The RYA two day course to safely drive a RIB from A to B and provide a basic level of knowledge for club members aged 16 or over, no experience is required. Cost is £40 only – Safety is a priority at the Club and so this training is heavily subsidised.
The aim of the Club is that all safety boat helms will complete the PB2 and go on to do our our in house advanced rescue helm course which is free to members unless they hold the RYA safety boat certificate.
Dates available as of 01-Apr-22
Course 1 Saturday 18th and Saturday 25th June: Currently 3 places available.
Course 2 Saturday 9th and sat16th July: Currently 4 places available.
Course 3 Saturday 13th and Saturday 20th August: Currently 7 places available.
Course 4 Saturday 3rd and Saturday 10th September: Currently 7 places available.
Course 5 Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th October NOTE THIS IS A SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: Currently 7 places available.
Please book through your webcollect account. Any questions please ask Jeff via email jeffstratford@btinternet.com
On the Road
There’s been some note-able early season success for Chew sailors at events elsewhere:
Jason Rickards – Ovington Inlands at Grafham in a Musto – 7th overall, including a 3rd in the first race. Report – https://www.yachtsandyachting.com/news/247407/Musto-Skiffs-at-the-2022-Ovington-Inlands
Ian Cadwallader, Bill Chard & Josh Preater – Ovington Inlands in Flying Fifteens – Caddy 1stcrew, Bill and Josh 5th overall. Report (complete with Errol’s photos from last year at Chew…!) – https://www.yachtsandyachting.com/news/247390/Flying-15s-at-the-Ovington-Inlands
Ed Presley – Contender Open at Datchet – 3rd overall. Report – https://www.yachtsandyachting.com/news/247393/Allen-Contender-Open-at-Datchet-Water
Oli Allen-Willcox & Ed Baker – ILCA 6 Qualifier at Weymouth – 13th & 20th overall. Report – https://www.yachtsandyachting.com/news/247331/Noble-Marine-Ovington-ILCA-6-Qualifier-2
Report from the Bath Robe event – https://www.yachtsandyachting.com/news/246749/Inaugural-Bath-Robe-team-racing-event
Andy Jones