Sailing Report – Rob Mitchell, Commodore
What an amazing weekend wherever you were and with the Easter holiday well underway, sailing numbers were limited but for those of us who did venture out, Saturday was punchy but with the sun shining the sailing was great.
After the Laser Masters Inlands last weekend, the Lasers were all off to Rock for the week and having spent so much time in their boats over the last few weeks you would think that they would be fed up with sailing by now but no, their blogs and social media updates tell a different story and it seems they too are having an amazing time.
Whilst Easter Sunday family commitments and the strong winds forecast seem to have limited the number of sailors at the club, I understand from my sources that the racing was good and the weather more forgiving than anticipated. Andy Bones in the Flying Fifteen fleet offered the following review.
The weather was bright and the morning saw moderate breeze which steadily increased during the day so the afternoon races were sailed in quite strong gusts – enough tone dumping the main! Keith Harris used the committee boat to enable us to start into the very variable Westerly breeze.
Four Fifteens competed in the morning race with a serious nip and tuck developing between Doug and Gail, Russell and Jane and Bill and Amy… Bonesy and Lynne just couldn’t keep up. In the end Doug and Gail prevailed with Russell & Jane 2nd and Bill & Amy 3rd.
In the afternoon a stiffer breeze suited Andy & Lynne whilst two of the fleet were forced to retire. Doug & Gail were second.
Boat Decals
A boat audit is planned soon. You should by now have received your membership renewal packs with a boat decal for every boat you sail at the club. Please make sure you have put your 2017/18 boat decal on your transom/s, preferably in a place where it can be seen without removing the cover. A reminder: any boat sailed at the club needs a decal even if not kept at the club.