Dear Solo Sailors,
We were treated to almost Spring like conditions for our double billing weekend of sailing. Saturday’s Training Day was superb: very professional and lots to learn – at the bottom of this email are some video links; and attached are some points to remember, kindly provided by Rob. Whilst today’s racing was full of thrills and spills – including a memorable first beat and a podium finish for Rick Knapp!
Videos and Learning Points from our Training Day
Graham organised the most fantastic event for us on Saturday. He also enlisted Chris Goldhawk and Steve Smith who provided additional pearls of wisdom and a mix of training techniques. After an initial session in the class room, we were shown the secrets of Chris’ settings before then going through a number of exercises on the water. See the new Solo Training Videos page for Rob’s notes and view the videos – including an excellent one of Chris demonstrating the fine art of tacking.
Some Great Results in the Class Race Day
You probably know the saying: ‘I taught him everything he knows….but not everything I know’. And someone that hadn’t been at the Club this weekend might well have thought it after both Chris G and Graham won both first and second place in today’s Class Race Day. However, it was not like that at all. We were packed full of really helpful information and technique on Saturday and it was fantastic to be able to put our new found knowledge into practice today.
I went much faster as a result and I’m sure I could still read Chris’ sail number on his finishing the first two races. Brian Kitching gave him a really good run for his money in the first race – but it was Rick Knapp who upset the odds most in the final race of the day.
The wind had died down to a respectable 5 to 10 knots and in the last couple of minutes before the hooter seemed to back through about 30 degrees. Rick was first to spot it followed by Chris G and them the rest of the fleet. No longer did it make sense to start at the inner distance mark and Rick triumphed with a port flyer from the very top of the line.
He crossed in front of our Fastest Sailor and then a long way in front of everyone else. And he not only kept his lead but had increased it further by the time he rounded the next mark. And although Chris G was able to use his experience to catch Rick by the time he reached the first of the leeward marks, Rick was still a long way ahead of me and a couple of our very best sailors at the finish. Many congratulations.
Hope to see you again next Sunday for more of the Frostbite Series and with best wishes,